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News: GPD summoned to property damage wreck on CO 58 ramp

November 8, 2024Accidents In the News

GOLDEN, CO – Golden Police were dispatched to the scene of a crash with property damage on the CO 58 off-ramp that led to Washington Avenue after 5:30 a.m. Monday.

Officers did not disclose the kind of property damage that was sustained, list the kind of people and vehicles involved, say if anyone was injured or hospitalized, or state any pending charges or citations.

Our team of news writers will be sure to return with updates once new developments surface.

Whether you have specific questions about your insurance claim or are considering taking the at-fault driver to court by filing a lawsuit against them, our Denver car accident lawyer is ready to protect your legal interests and fight for your right to justice. Set up a free, no-risk, and no-hassle consultation today by calling Dormer Harpring, LLC at (720) 571-8186 or reaching out online.