Tough lawyers for tough cases.

Denver Taxi Accident Lawyer

Riding in a taxi in Denver, Colorado should not end with you suffering a serious injury due to the careless or reckless actions of another party, such as the taxi driver or taxi cab company. If you get hurt in an accident involving a taxi, find out what you should do to protect your rights and seek fair financial compensation for your losses. Contact a Denver car accident attorney to learn about your legal options.

Types of Taxi Accidents in Denver

In Denver, an accident involving a taxi service (as well as Uber or Lyft) could take various forms. Like other drivers, taxi operators can make many mistakes that result in devastating collisions. In addition, the company in charge of ensuring the safety of cab services may fail to fulfill its duties – leading to preventable traffic accidents.

Safety issues can result in numerous types of taxi accidents, such as:

If you were involved in any type of taxi accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. These are the general damages available through a car accident claim in Colorado. You or your Denver accident attorney will need to determine fault before you can file a claim.

Who Is Responsible for a Taxi Accident in Denver?

Determining the cause is necessary to identify who is financially responsible, or liable, for a taxi accident in Denver under Colorado’s fault-based law. If the taxi cab driver was negligent (failed to use proper care), such as by speeding or violating traffic laws, the taxi company can be held vicariously liable as the employer of the driver.

The taxi company could also be liable for its own errors, such as hiring unqualified taxi drivers or failing to properly inspect and maintain its fleet of vehicles. Other possible liable parties in a taxi accident case include third-party drivers outside of the taxi, vehicle manufacturers and the government.

Steps to Take After a Taxi Accident in Denver

If you are injured in a taxi accident, take the following steps to ensure that you are protected as much as possible physically and legally:

  1. Check yourself, your taxi driver and others involved in the accident for injuries.
  2. If anyone is hurt, get help from emergency services immediately.
  3. Call 911 to report the taxi accident if one of the drivers involved has not already done so.
  4. Write down the names and contact information of everyone involved, including your taxi driver.
  5. If there are any witnesses, get their names and phone numbers.
  6. Document the scene by taking photos and videos before you leave.
  7. Report the accident to the cab company and the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
  8. File a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault party.
  9. Do not rush to accept the very first settlement offered to you.
  10. Contact an attorney with experience handling taxi accident cases before signing anything.

If you’ve suffered significant injuries or damage in a taxi accident, consulting a Denver personal injury attorney can allow you to protect your legal rights as you seek justice and financial compensation.

Contact a Denver Taxi Accident Lawyer Today

A taxi cab accident can lead to a complicated legal process. You may not know who is responsible for paying for your losses or how to deal with insurance companies. If you consult with an experienced attorney in Denver from the beginning of your case, you can relax and focus on healing while a qualified attorney seeks maximum compensation from one or more liable parties on your behalf.

To discuss a particular case with a taxi accident attorney in Denver, contact Dormer Harpring to schedule a free case consultation.