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Are Motorcycle Airbags Effective at Preventing Injury?

November 1, 2024Motorcycle Accidents

The main reason why motorcyclists are so prone to catastrophic and fatal injuries in accidents is a lack of protection. In an effort to remedy this problem, some motorcycles are equipped with airbags to help protect riders from impact-related injuries. In addition, motorcyclists have the option of wearing clothing with airbags built-in for greater protection. Despite these advancements, injuries can still occur, especially in situations involving other vehicles. If you’re navigating the aftermath of a Denver motorcycle accident case, understanding the importance of proper safety measures, like clothing with built-in airbags, can make all the difference in minimizing injuries.

Types of Motorcycle Airbags

There are two main types of motorcycle airbag systems: mounted airbags on the motorcycle itself and airbag-equipped gear that can be worn by motorcyclists. Bike-mounted airbags can deploy in a collision to create a buffer between the motorcyclist and the other vehicle, the road surface or fixed objects. If the motorcyclist is ejected from the bike in the crash, however, this airbag may not be very effective. The other type of motorcycle airbag is gear that can be worn by the rider, such as vests and jackets. When a motorcycle accident is detected, this gear can inflate pockets of air to cushion areas like the torso, back, chest and neck from impact with obstacles or the road. In-gear airbags may be able to reduce the risk of injury even if the motorcyclist is thrown from the bike.

Motorcycle Airbag Injury Statistics

Due to the relatively recent advent of motorcycle airbag technology, research on their effectiveness is limited. However, studies that have been done show improved rider safety when either type of airbag is used compared to no airbags at all. One study regarding wearable airbag gear found that the majority of riders involved in accidents were uninjured or sustained minor injuries only. Other statistics have indicated that when a rider is wearing an airbag vest or jacket, his or her forward momentum in an accident is reduced by about 60 percent. This can reduce the force of the impact between the motorcycle rider and an object – reducing the severity of related injuries by extension. Most impressively, head trauma was reduced by approximately 80 percent. However, that is not to say that motorcyclists who wear inflatable vests and jackets are entirely safe from injury. In studies, many victims were still injured despite wearing the safety technology. Yet they expressed that they believe their injuries would have been worse had they not been wearing the gear (though this information is subjective).

In-Gear Airbags May Prevent Serious Injury

Data suggests that airbags that are worn by motorcyclists can reduce the risk of serious injuries that involve the neck, chest and spinal cord specifically. This includes spinal cord injuries that can cause permanent paralysis or death. However, the effectiveness of the airbag depends on many factors, such as the mechanics of the crash and when the airbag deploys. It is important to note that motorcycle airbags are not replacements for helmets. Motorcycle helmets are still the most effective piece of safety gear in preventing serious and fatal head and brain injuries in motorcycle accidents. Motorcycle airbags are best used in combination with a motorcycle helmet and other safety gear, such as sturdy pants and heavy boots, to prevent serious injuries. If you were injured in a recent motorcycle accident in Colorado, with or without the presence of motorcycle airbags, contact an attorney to discuss your legal options. You may be entitled to financial compensation.